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David Knollman

My name is David Knollman and I was with YEAA from 2014 to 2015. During my first year, I ran a $52,000 business profiting $7,000 and came back a second year to run a $100,000 business where I profited $20,000. YEAA is a fantastic program that inspired me to join. Going into my senior year, I had the opportunity to interview with my top-choice company, Amazon. I landed that job before I graduated and one hundred percent attribute that to the fact that I was able to go through the YEAA program and make it into a success for myself. My advice would be to go out and do something difficult. I think this is a fantastic program and something that is difficult to do. Even if you don’t decide to do this program, do something difficult, but why not make a little bit of money while you're doing it. You can make some good money from this internship, so good luck.

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